Subject: Move to France – Rainier Overseas
From: Franklin Habit
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2021 5:48 AM
To: David Wiviott
Subject: Re: Your move to France with Rainier Overseas Movers
Hello, David –
I’ve been meaning to drop you a note and let you know how immensely pleased I am with everything. I’ve been unpacking like crazy and so far, everything is in perfect shape.
I couldn’t be happier with every stage of the process, from our communications to the packing up in Chicago through to the delivery here. All the contacts were proactive, clear, and polite; and all the crews were marvelous. The crating service did a superb job with my weird, fragile equipment. My apartment situation at the Paris end has tricky logistics (even by Paris standards) and they guys were absolute magicians at making it work out. They were in and out in about 2 hours, including getting the lift into the narrow courtyard.
I’ve already sung your praises on the Expats in Paris group on Facebook (where I first heard about you), there’s a screenshot attached. And I’m preparing a video for my YouTube channel about the move-in day (my readers and viewers have been following every step of this move) where I’ll mention and link to you as well. If you’d like the link for the video when it gets posted (it will be a couple of weeks from now) I’ll be happy to send it to you.
I’m super grateful. Thank you very, very much.